Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cartoon Cupcakes

Just returned from my girlfriend's daughter birthday party and decided to post the pictures of the cupcake that I made for her this afternoon. This round I personally experienced the excitement of the kids when they saw the cupcakes and couldn't wait to choose and GRAB their favourite character cupcake. Of course that include my own kids... I even had to look out whether what she want was available :)

So happen that Channel U was there this afternoon to film the party event through eXplorerKID at Downtown East for their chinese current affair programme (财经追击)。So my cupcakes were lucky to get the opportunity to be filmed. The programme will be aired on 28-Sep-2007 9:30pm on Channel U. So, watch out for that and below are the cupcakes for today's party.

Moon Cake Feedback

I have received quite a few good and positive feedback from my friends about those ping pi mooncakes that I made and even enquiries for orders. Am so happy with the compliments and the greatest comments are from my girlfriend whom claim she can't tell the difference between my chocolate truffles white lotus mooncake from the other one that she tried from one of the 6 star F hotel!